Back row, left to right: Doug Nicholson, Ron Anderson, Charles Giaquinta, David Wall, Jason Wheeler, Rodney Anderson & James Minutello. Fron Row, Left to Right: Lee Crouch, Toby Crowe, Seve Heimberger & James Watts.
Clarkesville Lodge No. 325 F. & A.M. 2022 Lodge Officers Left to Right, Front Row: Steve Heimberger JW, Tony Brookshire WM, Jason Wheeler JD, John Groves SW Back Row, Left - Right: Doug Nicholson Treas. James Minutello, SD, David Wall Chaplain, Lee Crouch SS, Ron Anderson Secy. Not pictured, Toby Crowe JS, Jason Brookshire Tiler.
Clarkesville Masonic Lodge No. 325, 2017 Officers Back Row Left - Right, Charles Black, Chaplain; Morgan Myers, Senior Deacon; Darrell Tucker, Treas.;Justin Williams, Jr. Deacon and Jerry Fisher, Sr. Steward. Front Row Left-Right, Ralph Pecking, Secretary; Rodney Anderson, Sr. Warden; James R. Anderson, Worshipful Master; Matthew Anderson, Jr. Warden and Cecil Myers, Tiler. Not Pictured, Michael Tanksley, Jr. Steward.
2015 Lodge Officers with Past Grand Master MWB Douglas McDonald.
Clarkesville Lodge No. 325 F. & A.M.
August 14, 2011 - Grand Lodge officers laid the corner stone on Habersham County's new high school