By clicking on the above button "Add to Cart", you will be taken to the PAYPAL page where you will select either one, two or three years dues to pay by Clicking on the "+" or "-" Sign under "Quantity". ( Be aware of the Quantity before continuing, If you visit the site and opt out before paying, then return, the cart will add one each time until you check out. CHECK THE QUANTITY, change it to one if necessary). You will then be given two options to check out, check out WITH PAY PAL or WITHOUT Clicking on "Without" you will be taken to the location to pay by credit or debit card. If you use Pay Pal you will be familiar with checkout. MAKE SURE that you give your name, phone number and E mail where indicated and Verify your mailing address if appropriate. Your E mail address and Cell number are important because all future communication will be by E mail or text. CHECK THE AMOUNT AGAIN. Do not be concerned about making a mistake if something goes wrong I will see that it is corrected.